Thursday, June 27, 2013


So...the big question: Where will you live?

And possibly the bigger question: Who will you live with?

My advice, if you can afford it, is to start the program living alone (or at least without a random roommate). Most likely you don't know anyone else going into the program at the same time as you, and therefore you have NO IDEA about their living habits. The last thing you need to be worrying about during your 1st tri is your dirty/annoying/alcoholic/slutty roommate.

I choose to live in a studio apartment at Perry Hill (just 2 blocks from school) and I think it was a great choice. I just moved in with another wonderful girl from my class. However, this was only done after very careful consideration. We have the same living habits (clean, respectful, quiet) and we get along great.

Luckily, since I started at Palmer, the school has added a helpful apartment finder on their website. Finding affordable student housing on your own on the web is difficult. Most of the places don't have websites. So I would recommend using the new web application (the school will send you a password and info to log on).

As for choosing a roommate. I would highly recommend waiting. Most likely you will meet someone who you would feel comfortable living with after you have been at school for a while. I will report back after my roomy and I have been together for a while and tell you how it is!

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